
Showing posts from November, 2022


                                      It is the small things that bring big happiness. Ask any booklover if they like bookmarks and you can watch their face light up instantly.  Bookmarks  are a favorite among book lovers, both young and old.                                     Every time I stumble across a bookmark on any old book that I had been reading, I am on a beautiful walk down the memory lane where I remember all the details about how the bookmark was made, who gifted it to me and the things that make it very special. Not only that, my mind skips to the time when I was reading the book, images of the weather outside and the feel of the paper flit across my mind, making me nostalgic.                                    I also have some bookmarks that are very lucky for me. If there is any exam that I am anxious about or any book that I have to finished studying the day before the exam, I use these particular  bookmarks  and they always work like a charm. Sometimes, I laminate my


                     In a world that is moving at a tremendous pace, wouldn't it be nice to hit the pause button for a while and capture moments that hold a beauty of its own. As an artist, you have the power to freeze a moment in your   sketchbook   through urban sketching.                                    While drawing inspiration from Pinterest and google is quite popular, drawing inspiration from life around you is the uniqueness in urban sketching.  Urban sketching  is observing the world around you and a way of telling your own story, a story about the place, people and the events around you. It is a beautiful entanglement between life and art- life becomes a part of your art and art becomes a part of your everyday life.                                 With urban sketching, you become a part of the world that is teaming with life. The art that you create will speak volumes about your experiences, exploration and memories.                                  Urban sketching can