
Showing posts from January, 2023


                                  A road trip is the perfect dose of spontaneity and thrill that you need in your life. The journey itself can be quite an adventure, offering independence and a chance at making new memories.                               When you hop on your favorite vehicle and set off into the horizon, everything starts to feel much better. The long roads, the beautiful scenery as you pass by, the sky that changes shades, music that you listen to every day and the food that you get when you make an impromptu stop. Your mind also takes a detour from everyday worries and focuses on the path ahead.                                  The next time you decide to go on an adventure, don’t forget to take your art supplies with you. You can tear off a sheet of paper any time you feel like from the 240 GSM  Gouache Pad  from Menorah and start painting. The paper is thick with fine-toothed structure that gives a smooth surface for all your paintings. It works really well with Go


        Do you know the best place to be at the end of a long, hectic day? Between the pages of a book! Just the thought of a book waiting to be read is a comforting thought. It is a voyage through time into a different world, one that is beyond reality.                          A  bookmark  is every reader’s trusty friend. They hold onto your dear pages so you can return to where you left off. Every time you pick an old bookmark from a book it will leave you feeling nostalgic about the time when you had first started reading that book, the smell of the pages the little moments that you spent crying or laughing, and glimpses of the world you spent seeing through the character’s eyes.                          What would make this process even more exciting is using- Customized bookmarks! With the 300 GSM  Watercolor Bookmarks  from Menorah you can create bookmarks with many interesting  bookmark painting ideas  like florals, sceneries, character sketches or your favorite quotes. Menorah


                         Most of us are busy running after a 9 to 5 routine and having hardly any time to stop and look around.  Our days pass by in a flurry and we are left wondering how time moves so fast. While we are all stuck in this mechanical everyday routing it is important to rejuvenate ourselves and infuse some wonder into our everyday routine by watching sunrise.                         The starry sky starts gleaming with a golden blush, which eventually spreads through the expanse of the sky and is embraced in a golden fire, making your heart warm in the beauty. Watching the sunrise is a glorious activity that will leave you awestruck. It will make you realise what a beautiful world we live in. It is something that must be done with your loved one to feel a growing bond among you and with nature.                         The  180 GSM Mixed Media sketchbooks  for artists are perfect to bring such wondrous moments to life. The paper is made with optimal texture, so it can take


                            We indulge in art because it gives us pleasure. To get the maximum pleasure out of art and to really enjoy what you are doing, it is necessary to use the right medium and materials required. Picture this Rapunzel and Flynn in  Tangled  are in the middle of a deserted river on a boat at night. There is nothing but darkness, the sky is dark, the water looks dark and all they can see is a dark silhouette of the caste far away. Suddenly, the lantern festival begins and they are surrounded by hundreds of sky lanterns. They sky turns into a beautiful golden hue, the water is shimmering with the reflection of the flames from the lanterns, Rapunzel and Flynn are staring in awe as everything around them is alight by what looks like hundreds of splendid fireflies. Won’t it be better to recapture this scene in a Black sketchbook rather than painting a white paper black, waiting for it to dry (which won’t turn out perfect) and then re painting on it?