Happiness is a blue, cloudy sky! Bright skies make the day warm and cheerful. It’s a delight to watch some white, puffy clouds change shapes, as they dance with the sky. Just looking at the sky, admiring its beauty, makes you feel a connection with the universe. It sets your heart free and any dreamer watching the sky would feel a sense of peace and positivity.
I decided to draw a beautiful, blue, bright sky to do away with the gloominess and lethargy that the winter had brought. I pulled out my Cassata Sketchbook from Menorah to do my skyscape. Cassata sketchbooks hold a special place in my heart because of the beautiful shades they come in. They definitely pop and light up my day.
These spiral sketchbooks have 140 GSM buttery smooth paper. I really love the experience of painting on it. It works well for mixed medium like color pencils, Sakura micron pen, charcoal, graphite, acrylics, gouache and even mild water colours.
You can make a beautiful skyscape with the following materials:
- 140 gsm Cassata Sketchbook from Menorah
- Gouache paints
- Flat brush
- Round brush
It’s time to start painting your blue sky. It’s always better to use different shades of blue to make it look realistic. Here in my painting, I have started off my top layer by painting it with a layer of deep blue gouache paint. To achieve a gradient, I mixed the blue paint with some white gouache paint and used it for the next layer.

They say “Art is in the eye of the beholder! “Clouds are an art form to everyone who set their sight on it. It is magic that happens on the sky above. They keep changing their shape from one to another and it is definitely amusing to try to figure out if it resembles anything in real life.
It is not just the clouds that keep gliding away, but so does your mind. Your mind wanders away from the worries of everyday life and all your worries disappear as you start cloud watching.
Clouds play a key role in paintings too. It is important to give them texture and movement for your painting to look alive. This can be easily achieved with the Dabbing technique.
First draw an outline for your clouds with your round paint brush in random shapes to get a basic structure. Next, dip your flat paint brush in white gouache paint. Now, as the name suggests, dab it onto your sketchbook gently and fill the outline.
There you go, your clouds will now look fluffy and lively.
It’s all in the details. You can add a few plants to your painting to make a complete scenery. Begin with dabbing a layer of black paint. This will create a shadow effect, making it look like the plants are swaying. You can then go ahead with layers of green and yellow further on.
Start painting on your Cassata sketchbook. These colourful sketchbooks will certainly make your day better by bringing you joy and peace.
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